24 basic drum beats
24 basic drum beats

24 basic drum beats

The kick drums fall on the ‘ 1‘, ‘ 2‘, ‘ 3 &‘ and ‘ 4 &‘.

24 basic drum beats

Now once you have familiarized yourself with the quarter note snare drum hits, you will now be mixing things up by playing a combination of kick drums around the snare drum hits. This drum beat might feel awkward at first but practice it slowly and make sure each snare and kick drum hits sound in time with the accompanying hi hat notes. There are two kick drum hits in the bar and these both fall in and’s. The initial kick drum falls on ‘ 1 &‘ and then on ‘ 3 &‘. You’ll be playing snare drums on evenly spaced quarter notes – ‘ 1, 2, 3, 4‘. But to help develop your left hand control, you’re now going to be playing more snare drum hits. This is your typical rock back beat and it’s very popular in modern music. So far all of these basic drum beats for beginners feature snare drum hits that fall precisely on the ‘ 2‘ and ‘ 4‘.

24 basic drum beats

You do not want it to sound messy, with multiple surfaces all being hit at slightly different times. On the ‘ 2‘ and ‘ 4‘ the kick drum, snare drum and hi hat all land together, so make sure it sounds like one precise hit. Keep this beat sounding nice and tight, and make sure the kick drums are locked in tightly with the hi hats and also the snare drums when they all fall into place together. The kick drums fall on even quarter notes – ‘ 1, 2, 3, 4‘. This is a beginner drum beat that will develop your consistency and timekeeping. With the hi hats and snares staying in exactly the same positions (straight hi hat eighth notes and snares on ‘ 2‘ and ‘ 4‘ the kicks are now falling on the ‘ 1‘ and ‘ 2 &‘ and ‘ 3‘. Up next we have one of the most popular basic drum beats that should feel pretty natural to play once you have gotten to grips with all the previous beginner drum beats. Keep a strong emphasis on the ‘ 2‘ and ‘ 4‘ with the snare drums to keep this drum beat driving forwards with energy. This drum beat is reminiscent of the iconic ‘ we will rock you‘ beat! The ‘ boom boom clap‘ is ‘ 1 & 2‘ and ‘ 3 & 4‘ – with ‘kick kick snare’. Whilst playing this drum beat make sure to keep the hi hats nice and consistent and don’t slow down when you get to the ‘ 3‘ and remember to push the kick back one eighth note to play this accurately. Now in this beginner drum beat, the kick falls on the ‘ 3 &‘. This is because you will be used to the kick drum falling on the ‘ 1‘ and ‘ 3‘ of the bar. Next up we have a fun drum beat that lots of beginners might find tricky to grasp. So that means there are double the number of hi hats in the same amount of bar space, because the note values half. The kick and snare drums are in the exact same positions as the first drum beat, but now the hi hat notes are eighth instead of quarter notes. It’s the classic ‘boots & cats’ sounding drum beat! This is one of the most common beginner drum beats, and it consists of eighth notes, which are counted as ‘ 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &‘. Then finally add your left hand to play the snare drum ‘ 2‘ and ‘ 4‘, and there you go – your first simple drum beat! Basic Drum Beat 2 Once you are playing them in time and they are evenly spaced out, go ahead and add in the kick drum on the ‘ 1‘ and ‘ 3‘ whilst keeping the quarter hi hats going. This is your very first beginner drum beat! This beat consists of quarter notes, and these are counted as ‘ 1, 2, 3, 4‘. Start off by using your right hand (assuming you are right handed!) playing the hi hat quarter notes.

24 basic drum beats